回复 :一场战争在乌克兰东部的顿巴斯爆发,由此衍生出军事冲突、犯罪行动以及分裂主义者主导的大肆劫掠。在顿巴斯,战争已是常态,政府宣传自诩真相之源,仇恨变成了爱的方式。走入顿巴斯,就像踏上一场疯狂的旅行,悲剧和荒谬与生死相交织。这并不是一个关于某个地区、某个国家或某种政治体系的故 事,而是展示了一个迷失于谎言与真相,寻找自我身份的失落的世界,这事关我们每一个人。
回复 :Philippe Clarence, a famous Parisian dressmaker, seduces his friend's fiancee. But, for the 1st time in his life, this is for real. The film is also a sharp picture of the fashion world.A philandering young dress designer plays fast and loose with the hearts of all the fair maidens he encounters, and leaves them in a Paris lurch. But when he meets the fiancée of his best friend, he falls deeply and truly in love with her. The girl is soon faced with two choices; marry the reliable fiancée whom she doesn't love, or run off with the dress designer with whom she is infatuated. She sees that she also has a third option and makes the wise choice...she rejects both. The dress designer is not too well equipped for accepting rejection, and he makes a bad decision.
回复 :司机金巴在路上撞死了一只羊,决意超度此羊;杀手金巴即将找到杀父仇人,准备报仇雪恨。阴差阳错,杀手金巴搭上了司机金巴的卡车。于是,两个叫金巴的男人的命运便神秘地联系在了一起,一段惊心动魄的旅程开始……