回复 :该剧改编自DC同名漫画书,故事背景设置在末日世界,一场大灾难导致男主之外的男性全部消亡,新世界的一切均由女性主宰。戴安·琳恩、巴里·基奥根饰一对母子。试播集导演梅丽娜·马苏卡斯(《无为大师》)。
回复 :新中国解放前夕,白纸坊警署小警察徐天在追查未婚妻贾小朵被害案件过程中,意外参与到中国共产党和平解放北平的事业当中。面对动荡的时局,金海、铁林和徐天三兄弟所处不同的位置,在亲情、爱情,国家利益、个人信仰发生激烈冲突的时候,情同手足的三兄弟做出了不同的选择,走上了截然不同的人生道路。徐天和共产党员田丹在绝境中相识,使命感让两个人走到了一起,徐天选择在动乱中协助中国共产党取得了北平的和平解放,迎来了新世界。
回复 :A group of aliens has come to Earth to learn about its population, customs, etc. To avoid detection, they have taken on human form which gives them human emotions, physical needs etc. WITHOUT the understanding of what they mean or the inhibitions normally present in humans. Their leader takes the position of a college professor, their military expert as his sister, their intelligence expert, supposedly oldest of group takes form of his teenage son. The uninhibited reactions turn everyday events into unusual situations.