回复 :第72届黄金时段艾美奖颁奖典礼将于当地时间本周日(20日)在线上举行。
回复 :The story of a race against time to help preserve the untouched forests of Burma and its wildlife.Episode 11/3 The team searches for Asian elephants in the mountains of western Burma.FIRST BROADCAST: 29 Nov 2013Episode 22/3 The team searches for the sun bear, the Asian golden cat and the clouded leopard.FIRST BROADCAST: 06 Dec 2013Episode 33/3 The team searches for the most iconic animal of them all, the tiger.FIRST BROADCAST: 13 Dec 2013
回复 : 在岁末年初,总台《“经典之夜”年度盛典》的舞台上,几代艺术家、演员、歌手,聚焦经典文艺,为海内外中华儿女献上一场极具“时代共情”的精神盛宴,鼓舞当下文艺工作者再创经典!