回复 :TOBI「お前ら全員めんどくさい!」の実写映画化が決定した。2018年内の公開を予定している。
回复 :解放前的老北京城,天桥东边有一条臭水沟——龙须沟。生活在最底层的穷苦劳动人民沿着臭水沟两岸安家落户,这群被剥夺了尊严的人们在迫害、屈辱、疾病和死亡的夹逼中艰难求生。百姓们喝不上自来水,只能饮井里的苦水,上趟厕所还得跑半里地。每当雨季到来,臭水沟的水高涨泛滥,进入贫民的家中,臭不可闻,苦不堪言。被人喊成“疯子”的老艺人程宝庆(于是之 饰)落魄愤懑,他依靠老婆程娘子(于蓝 饰)卖香烟度日,最喜欢丁家那个灵巧可爱的姑娘小妞子。非人的旧社会,让人看不到未来的希望。转眼迎来了解放,龙须沟的百姓总算迎来翻身做主人的新天地……本片根据老舍创作的同名话剧改编。
回复 :Choi So-young (Choi Eun-hee), a poor female law student is in trouble because her grandmother, who had been sending her tuition money, passes away. With the help of her friend Hee-suk, (Kim Suk-il) who dreams of becoming a writer, So-young fools Choi Rim (Kim Seung-ho), a lawmaker, into believing she is his daughter and moves in his house. She studies hard and becomes a lawyer. At her first trial, she defends a female inmate (Hwang Jeong-sun). Coincidentally, the story of the inmate is very much similar to hers. So-young defends her, saying how difficult it is for a woman to survive in a cold capitalism, arguing for her rights in tears. After she wins the case, she goes home and confesses her crime to Choi Rim's wife (Yu Gye-seon).