回复 :Series two joins Chris Carson six months later. Chris is attempting to rebuild his life, and his relationships, desperate to avoid the corruption that nearly sucked him under. He is trying to be a better police officer, a better man, and most importantly, a better father to his daughter Tilly. All whilst still dealing with the relentless trauma of being a night response officer. Chris wants a day job. Chris needs a day job. But is he prepared to risk everything to get one?
回复 :特异跑车2007总动员!成龙特技组指导担任电影导演抓狂飙速!本片是由一位狂热的特异跑车收藏爱好者丹尼尔·萨德克投资2600万美元制作,并将他私人拥有的高级汽车贡献给摄制组拍摄使用。而在摄制过程中他的一辆价值20万美元的保时捷被撞毁。本片导演曾是成龙特技组的特技指导。
回复 :根据咪咕阅读作者山谷君所著小说《掌心有你多欢喜》改编。清冷艳丽的高岭之花江时浅(陈欣予 饰)在遭受霸凌、暴力等一系列事件后,华丽蜕变逆袭归来,用一场精心策划强势开启自己的复仇之路,最终收获内心救赎与爱情。