亚洲Focuses on the incredible rise, fall and rebirth of one of the worlds most successful electronic music artists of all time, Avicii.
亚洲Focuses on the incredible rise, fall and rebirth of one of the worlds most successful electronic music artists of all time, Avicii.
回复 :Somewhere in Myanmar is a forest rich in amber and controlled by the Kachin Independence Army (KIA). Most of its inhabitants work in a mine, digging the earth night and days in the hope of finding the precious ore that will get them out of poverty. But on top of the excruciating hardship of the work, they also have to fear an attack from the army.
回复 :首先要声明一点,站在我们眼前的大块头肥妞贾兹敏·比特摩尔可没披挂什么橡胶皮囊,她是个货真价实的肥妹有情天,虽然她在人前一副“性感肥妞”代言人的派头,可心里压根就不相信是因为脂肪而美丽。贾斯敏与同病相怜的挚交斯特西坚信三件事:她们都不满足于在布鲁姆菲尔德女性时尚用品店的店员生活;她们憎恨苗条女孩儿;她们需要男人,尽管两人对此不抱希望。贾斯敏有个梦想,就是成为时尚设计师,专为肥妞们设计服装……
回复 :虽然佐妮(卡卓尔 Kajol 饰)的双目患有失明的残疾,但终日生活在黑暗里的她却并没有放弃寻找真爱的渴望。一次偶然中,她遇见了名为雷汉(阿米尔·汗 Aamir Khan 饰)的男子,虽然看不见这男子的面貌,但佐妮相信,他就是她一直在等待的那个人,很快,佐妮和雷汉踏入了婚姻的殿堂,诞下了一个可爱的小男婴。婚后,雷汉筹钱治好了佐妮的眼睛,可是,当佐妮睁开双眼的那一刹那,得到的却是雷汉已死的噩耗。心碎的佐妮带着孩子回到娘家,发誓终身不再嫁。一晃眼七年过去,佐妮意外的和雷汉重逢了。原来,雷汉当年系诈死,他的真实身份,竟然是一名遭到通缉的恐怖分子。