日韩A veteran soap opera star retires to a beach house with her publicist and partner, but her Early Onset Alzheimer's will strain the couple's relationship until they find the strength to redefine themselves and what they mean to one another.
日韩A veteran soap opera star retires to a beach house with her publicist and partner, but her Early Onset Alzheimer's will strain the couple's relationship until they find the strength to redefine themselves and what they mean to one another.
回复 :藥物成癮的凡妮莎與男友仰賴社福漏洞苟且偷生,白天推著破舊除草機逐戶敲門、騷擾乞錢,夜晚徘徊荒郊曠野,蟄居廢棄拖車。日復一日,兩人不是在醫院無賴討藥,就是在街上失神遊蕩。行屍走肉般的生活逐漸讓凡妮莎感到不安,發現懷孕後,她力圖振作,卻發現自己無法割捨早已放棄人生的萎靡男友。在感情與理性間搖擺不定的她,終將墮回萬劫不復的愛情煉獄,抑或能堅定擁抱新生的勇氣?加拿大離島出身的新銳導演艾許莉麥坎錫,將家鄉沉迷藥癮、頹廢過活的失業青年群象,改編成現實羅曼史,描繪在絕望與無奈的漩渦中載浮載沉的邊緣悲歌。堅持草根視角,啟用在地演員,以大量貼身特寫手法,展現陰性影像書寫的特殊風格。
回复 :杰米·多南与希里安·墨菲加盟二战题材影片《类人猿行动》(Anthropoid)。影片根据真实事件改编,英国训练两名捷克斯洛伐克士兵,刺杀纳粹党卫军头目莱因哈德·海德里希,行动代号”类人猿“。影片由《超市夜未眠》的导演西恩·埃利斯执导,2015年7月捷克布拉格开拍。
回复 :Juan López, an ordinary and anonymous office worker, decides to expose his superpowers to turn in the first Spanish superhero: Superlópez.