回复 :一边是疏离却又顾家的丈夫,一边是再次走进她的生活的年轻前男友。面对失去激情的婚姻,这名记者必须做出选择。
回复 :Adolescence can be tough, especially for young queer people who haven’t quite figured it out. We Will Never Belong charts one teenager’s quest for the truth with style and grace. Emi has recently discovered that her mother is in love with another woman, and Emi’s not handling it well. She retreats to the community, where she was born, to stay with her father and his new family and to spend time with her maternal grandmother. Things are much less confusing at her father’s, at least until her extremely intriguing stepsister shows up. Emi soon begins to understand why her mother living her life authentically was so difficult to face. With nuanced performances and gorgeous cinematography, We Will Never Belong deals with complicated family and identity issues, and does so with incredible thoughtfulness and care.
回复 :影片讲述了一位平民游戏少年热血逐梦,成为职业赛车手的真实励志故事。从小怀揣赛车梦想的詹恩·马登伯勒(阿奇·马德基 Archie Madekwe 饰)被GT赛车学院挖掘,他凭借出色的游戏经验和自身的努力一次次打破外界质疑,彻底改写赛车运动是“富人专属”的规则。