年轻的Travis继承家族的牧场后,亚洲区被迫搁置环游世界的梦想,亚洲区却交上桃花运,遇上两位大美人Kelly 和 Jolene。惟Kelly和Jolene都图谋不轨,意乱情迷的Travis被引诱进行一连串亡命的银行械劫案; 身犯险境之余,他发觉自己堕进一项阴谋中...
年轻的Travis继承家族的牧场后,亚洲区被迫搁置环游世界的梦想,亚洲区却交上桃花运,遇上两位大美人Kelly 和 Jolene。惟Kelly和Jolene都图谋不轨,意乱情迷的Travis被引诱进行一连串亡命的银行械劫案; 身犯险境之余,他发觉自己堕进一项阴谋中...
回复 :核试验科教记录片。是自人类发明原子弹、氢弹以来的各种核爆炸记录,采访了许多美国参与核试验的专家,非常珍贵的第一手资料。著名的“小男孩”(广岛)和“胖男人”(长崎)就在这里,不可不看!On July 16, 1945, at a site called Trinity, a plutonium bomb was assembled and brought to the top of a tower. The bomb was detonated, producing an intense flash and a fireball that expanded to 600 meters in two seconds. The explosive power was equivalent to 18.6 kilotons of TNT. It grew to a height of more than 12 kilometers, boiling up in the shape of a mushroom. Forty seconds later, the blast of air from the bomb reached the observation bunkers, along with a long and deafening roar of sound. And so began the ATOMIC AGE..."Trinity and Beyond" is an unsettling yet visually fascinating documentary presenting the history of nuclear weapons development and testing between 1945 until 1963. Narrated by William Shatner and featuring an original score performed by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra, this award-winning documentary reveals previously unreleased and classified government footage depicting in graphic detail these powerful and awesome weapons. Many scenes were restored with an Academy Award® winning process created to restore the color.Director/producer Peter Kuran, traveled throughout the U.S. to locate footage that includes bombs being suspended by balloon, exploding under the ocean, being shot from a cannon and detonated in outer space.
回复 :一个脱衣舞厅老板和一个美甲师发现他们有很多共同点。最重要的是,他们都是变态连环杀手。他们相爱了,并且成为一起杀人的快乐家庭。直到有一天,他们遇到了一个水管工,而他碰巧是个食人族……
回复 :特别篇继续延续着第一季的故事。没有听从指挥的实习生五人组蓝泽耕作(山下智久 饰)、白石惠(新垣结衣 饰)、绯山美帆子(户田惠梨香 饰)、冴岛遥(比嘉爱末 饰)和藤川一男(浅利阳介 饰)被要求停止工作一周进行反思。这一周里,五人各进行着不一样的事情。因为上一季的意外事故,失去右手的黑田医生(柳叶敏郎 饰)则开始进行康复训练。回归岗位后的五人组,遇到了列车出轨事故。列车上乘客众多,死伤惨重。实习生们和医生分批乘坐救援飞机奔赴现场。现场一片混乱,生与死的搏斗场,让实习生们只能争分夺秒。并且,灾难似乎也在慢慢靠近实习生中的一员……