狐仙徐克拍摄 智取威虎山 的历程。
狐仙徐克拍摄 智取威虎山 的历程。
回复 :十八世纪末期的纽约,警察们还延用古老的办案方式,对罪犯刑讯逼供,年青的警察伊卡布·克瑞恩(约翰尼·戴普 饰)笃信科学的办案方式,因此受到市内同行的排挤,被派到一个叫断头谷的小镇办理一起连环凶杀案。断头谷一直流传着关于“无头骑士”的传说,据说,他是因为嗜血而战的黑森林雇佣军,被敌人割去头颅后,他的孤魂一直在断头谷游荡,在月黑风高之夜,他会骑着快马、 拿着大斧将经过此地的行人的头颅割下。两个月内,小镇中已经三个人惨遭毒手。克瑞恩住进了当地富豪范塔索(迈克尔·甘伯恩 饰)家中,他对“无头骑士”的传说不以为然,但是,又有人接二连三的死去,他还亲眼目睹了“无头骑士”砍掉小镇治安官的头颅,他不得不相信传说的存在,也坚定了要查出真相的决心。经过一番调查,克瑞恩将疑点放在了范塔索身上,同时,他和范塔索的女儿卡翠娜(克里斯蒂娜·里奇 饰)刚刚萌芽的爱情也被残酷的现实所摧毁。就在克瑞恩以为一切真相大白,黯然神伤中准备离开断头谷时,事情发生了意想不到的变化……
回复 :Ingmar Bergman's The Serpent's Egg follows a week in the life of Abel Rosenberg, an out-of-work American circus acrobat living in poverty-stricken Berlin following Germany's defeat in World War I. When his brother commits suicide, Abel seeks refuge in the apartment of an old acquaintance Professor Veregus. Desperate to make ends meet in the war-ravaged city, Abel takes a job in Veregus' clinic, where he discovers the horrific truth behind the work of the strangely beneficent professor and unlocks the chilling mystery that drove his brother to kill himself.
回复 :A fallen MMA fighter must win a netherworld no-holds-barred death tournament against man, beast and demon to save her soul.