回复 :Mike Locken is one of the principal members of a group of freelance spies. A significant portion of their work is for the C.I.A. and while on a case for them, one of his friends turns on him and shoots him in the elbow and knee. His assignment, to protect someone, goes down in flames. He is nearly crippled, but with braces is able to again become mobile. For revenge as much as anything else, Mike goes after his ex-friend.
回复 :相传民间有一类人,他们能行走阴阳、通晓鬼神,谓之走阴人,小沈师傅沈小寒便是其中的一员。沈小寒秉承师父的遗愿护送师父的骨灰回老家安葬,在归乡的路上途经一户人家,得知此处有一女鬼作怪,主人吴老汉深受其害苦不堪言,吴老汉知晓走阴人的本事,遂请求小沈师傅前来驱鬼……
回复 :Ein überzeugender wie großformatiger Ost-West-Stoff, der die großen Themenkomplexe Stasi-, Republikflucht und Loyalität unter Freunden in einer packenden Liebesgeschichte erzählt.