日本Best friends, Alex and Bryan, have a bitter fight entirely via text message when one of them sleeps with the other's crush. But, just as things seem to settle, an unexpected development may lead to yet another rift.
日本Best friends, Alex and Bryan, have a bitter fight entirely via text message when one of them sleeps with the other's crush. But, just as things seem to settle, an unexpected development may lead to yet another rift.
回复 :该片讲述民国时期,罗布泊地带出现离奇案件,神秘事件调查组织“七子社”社长石初七带领小组成员破解谜团。影片以探索未知、揭秘真相等元素为主要基调来聚焦诸多神秘且未解的事件,又增加了古太空文明的科幻元素,满足观众的猎奇心理。
回复 :Scot想要从歹徒手中救出妹妹,却遭人陷害,被控谋杀,被处以死刑。一位疯狂科学家把Scot的大脑植入大猩猩体内,Scot以大猩猩的身躯复活,开始他的复仇...
回复 :大赵王朝元武十二年,魔教肆虐惑乱众生,加之时逢天灾,百姓苦不堪言。皇帝赵许命镇魔司统领张谦清剿魔教,国师莫凡告知张谦魔教总舵所处冀州。但张谦却命爱将萧震赴幽州秘密执行清剿任务,自己假意赴冀州。就这样,镇魔司四大高手萧震、花无常、宁无谋、关闯启程幽州,一场血雨腥风即将到来。