Two childhood friends go from high school dropouts to the most powerful drug kingpins in Miami in this true story of a crime saga that spanned decades.
Two childhood friends go from high school dropouts to the most powerful drug kingpins in Miami in this true story of a crime saga that spanned decades.
回复 :某海滨城市公安刑警队江迈长,为人光明磊落,刚正不阿。从特种部队退役后,就在刑侦前线摸爬滚打,侦破一宗宗案件,积累了经验丰富,名扬海滨市。最近,接连发生在本市的贩毒案和几起命案造成了恶劣的社会影响。案件扑朔迷离,江迈率领手下全力以赴进行侦破,但狡猾的罪犯却似乎总能先发制人,侦破线索一个个先后中断,使侦破工作一波三折,江迈知道,自己这次遇到了真正的对手。省厅高度重视,成立专案组,派来省刑侦处的任则来担任专案组的副组长。这使江迈面临空前的信任危机。
回复 :一群幽默诙谐的赌徒,赌术、千术变幻无穷,ATV爆笑作品!看张家辉、江华如何从街头混混练成赌神秘笈,与赌魔一决高下!不学无术的程天朗与街头霸主何星龙联手成为赌场最佳拍档,二人遇见高贵美丽的李敏,心生歹念,谁知敏略施巧计让他们踢到铁板,所谓道高一尺魔高一丈,朗与龙遇到女老千!众人苦寻的“赌神秘笈”终露曙光,竟然与敏大有关联,而敏却不自知……
回复 :A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.• Season 21Episode # Air Date# Guests21-01 15/Nov/07 Kimberly Stewart, Joel Pott, Lethal Bizzle, Jessica Stevenson21-02 22/Nov/07 David Cross, Jermaine Jackson, Ryan Jarman, Katy Brand21-03 29/Nov/07 Dappy, Keith Chegwin, Tahita Bulmer, Rich Fulcher21-04 06/Dec/07 Roy Stride, Bobby Davro, Kristen Schaal, Richard Fleeshman21-05 13/Dec/07 Kevin Eldon, Patrick Wolf, Irwin Sparkes, Miquita Oliver21-06 20/Dec/07 Vic Reeves, Myleene Klass, Matt Bowman, Mark Ronson21-07 03/Jan/08 Matt Horne, Martin Freeman, Antony Costa, Kate Nash21-08 10/Jan/08 KT Tunstall, Lauren Laverne, Jeremy Edwards, Jon McClure21-09 17/Jan/08 Christopher Biggins, Robyn, Mark Watson, Sam Duckworth21-10 24/Jan/08 Sophie Ellis Bextor, James Lance, Yannis, Tim Minchin21-11 31/Jan/08 Joe Goddard, Chris O'Dowd, James Nesbitt, Lightspeed Champion21-12 07/Feb/08 Jamelia, David O'Doherty, Moby, Dale Winton