回复 :What do the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, the Thirty Years’ War and the Renaissance have in common? For one, they were all starkly affected by extreme weather conditions. Indeed, if we take a fresh look at human history in the light of Earth’s volatile climate, we can expose hidden parallels, draw surprising conclusions and explain bizarre historical conundrums.This two-parter combines natural sciences and history, a journey from the Big Bang to Iceland’s volcanoes – a gripping narrative that explores little-known connections between the Earth’s climate and major historical events.Are these extremes of weather really a 21st-century phenomenon? Or has climate determined the fate of humanity ever since amphibians took their first steps on terra firma?
回复 :该节目会有舞坛顶级大咖,以及跨界演员参与,届时将有30余位艺人蒙面上台献舞。 由《蒙面唱将猜猜猜》原班人马打造,在延续舞者全程蒙面,戴上面具化名进行别样演绎的同时,最重要是突出每位“舞者”的鲜明个性,并且节目的竞猜环节将更具悬念。
回复 :【STAFF】原作:Key/ビジュアルアーツ监督:石原立也系列构成・脚本:志茂文彦人物原案:樋上いたる人物设定・总作画监督:池田和美动画制作:京都アニメーション【CAST】冈崎朋也:中村悠一古河 渚:中原麻衣藤林 杏:広橋 涼藤林 椋:神田朱未坂上智代:桑島法子伊吹风子:野中 藍一之濑琴美:能登麻美子春原阳平:阪口大助古河秋生:置鮎龍太郎古河早苗:井上喜久子相乐美佐枝:雪野五月宮沢有紀寧:榎本温子【主题歌】OP:時を刻む唄(曲:麻枝准・折戸伸治、ボーカル:Lia)ED:TORCH(曲:折戸伸治、ボーカル:Lia)