Harry Palmer已经离开了英国情报服务部门并成为一个私家侦探。他接到的第一个业务就是带一样东西去赫尔辛基,不露可是他带在身上的东西可没那么简单,不露他开始怀疑他这个亿万富翁到底给了他什么……
Harry Palmer已经离开了英国情报服务部门并成为一个私家侦探。他接到的第一个业务就是带一样东西去赫尔辛基,不露可是他带在身上的东西可没那么简单,不露他开始怀疑他这个亿万富翁到底给了他什么……
回复 :故事讲述一位前科犯人(杰克·莱诺 饰),被迫要跟被收养的兄弟一起逃亡,全然因为他们被一位报复心极强的罪犯(詹姆斯·弗兰科 饰)追捕。而兄弟俩保护自己的方式,就是找到神秘武器。
回复 :电影《如果眼睛能偷走彼此》两名狡猾的网络骗子在遇见各自的梦中情人后改过自新,但一个充满欺骗的发现让他们的世界天旋地转
回复 :Mike Lambert, unemployed mining engineer, arrives in a small town with a bang when the brakes fail on the truck he's driving. After meeting seductive Paula at the La Paloma Cafe, he finds himself in trouble with the law. On the basis of a few burning glances, Paula pays his fine and finds him a room, but her motives are not what they seem. Mike lucks into a job with miner Jeff Cunningham, but against his will he's drawn ever deeper into Paula's schemes