回复 :Winter 1839. LIBERTY, MISSOURI. Local jailer, Samuel Tillery (Jasen Wade) is tasked with watching Missouri's most wanted men as they await their upcoming hearing. Caught between the local Missourians' increased drive to remove the prisoners, and the prisoners' desperate efforts to survive, Tillery is pushed beyond what any lawman can endure. Based on actual recorded accounts, OUT OF LIBERTY is an intense, evocative western, with an outcome you have to see to believe.
回复 :这部纪录片以纳萨尔格纳瓦乐队为线索追溯到灵魂音乐之起源,也就是一千多年前的摩洛哥,一千多年前的非洲大陆。导演希望通过这部纪录片能向世人展示这种宝贵的文化遗产之魅力。片中着重介绍了撒哈拉音乐,纳萨尔格纳瓦音乐以及著名诗人埃尔·梅迪巴的诗歌节选。
回复 :内向羞涩的日高拓也(水桥研二 饰),暗恋同样隶属北绫高中剑道部的美丽少女北原纱月(つぐみ 饰),由于羞于启齿,拓也只能对着纱月的随身物品和相片自渎,以解相思之苦。因偶然机缘两人确立恋爱关系,不过却因为纱月发现拓也偷录自己小便时的声音而导致恋情破裂。分手后,纱月很快便和剑道部前辈植松正一(草野康太 饰)相恋。孤独的拓也此时就像被抛弃的小狗一般,远远注视着纱月,而纱月似乎也从中体味到虐待的快感,从肉体到精神恣意折磨着拓也。他们畸形的爱情越走越远……改编自喜国雅彦同名漫画作品。