巅峰After she inherits an Italian restaurant in Brooklyn, manager Amy teams up with a blacklisted master chef looking for a second chance. They discover that the most important ingredient for any recipe is always love.
巅峰After she inherits an Italian restaurant in Brooklyn, manager Amy teams up with a blacklisted master chef looking for a second chance. They discover that the most important ingredient for any recipe is always love.
回复 :在權與在媛是對無血緣關係的表兄妹。被領養的在媛,從小追隨著表哥在權。然而,隨著年齡增長,在媛意識到對表哥的感情不再只是崇拜,而是男女之情。而在權與孝星表面上雖為男女朋友,但兩人崇尚開放自由的性愛關係,不需對伴侶負責。後來,在權漸漸深陷於在媛猛烈的追求中……
回复 :当红摄影师吉田注视着正在录音棚录音的当红歌手田川景子。而三流摄影师泽村和他的助手木原则在车了听着景子的歌。二人叫住了从婚礼出来的女大学生志津子,当志津子发现木原家的异样时已经迟了……
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