回复 :Horrible Histories is back with a special episode delving in to the life and times of the world's most famous writer. Tom Stourton stars as the Bard, as we find out about his humble beginnings, his glove-making father and his early life as an actor. How did he climb to become a royal favorite? And what was it like to be in the audience of one of his plays, where fruit was throw...
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回复 :神秘悬疑电视连续剧《发现湾》监制为李沛权,剧情模仿日本金田一耕助的小说《犬神家族》,至于标题为甚么叫《发现湾》,则是故事发生在Discovery Bay,该剧为欧阳佩珊自已演过的电视剧中最喜欢的一部,也是林嘉华加入无线后首次担任主演的剧集。林嘉华毕业于香港第一届少年警察训练学校,毕业后曾在旺角驻守数个月,之后被派去做《少年警讯》的主持,又再调回旺角。直至1978年,麦当雄邀请他参与丽的电视剧集《鳄鱼泪》的演出,反应出奇的好,他便毅然辞去警员工作,全身心投入娱乐圈。1979年,林嘉华过档无线,处男作《发现湾》口碑及收视均不俗,为了该剧的拍摄,他需用胶水戴上面具,导致皮肤出现敏感,脸上有很多坑坑洼洼,很久后才复原。看到观众满意,他觉得自己的付出总算有所回报!