回复 :大概是法国第一部描写女同志的故事片吧。Olivia (also known as Pit of Loneliness) is a 1951 French film directed by Jacqueline Audry. It is based on the 1950 semi-autobiographical novel by Dorothy Bussy. It has been called a landmark of lesbian representation. Olivia arrives at a finishing school and falls in love with headmistress Mlle. Julie. Mlle. Julie feels the same, but tries to suppress her desire. For her part as Mlle. Julie, Edwige Feuillère was nominated for a BAFTA award for Best Foreign Actress in 1952.French director Audry made 18 feature films from 1944 to 1972. Her earliest films are prime examples of the French 'tradition of quality.' She favored plots adapted from French literature. Audry is most distinguished from her peers in that her films were primarily focused upon female leads, whereas traditional French cinema is centered around the lives of men. Her most notorious film was 1951's Olivia, which dealt with lesbian relationships.
回复 :爱瑟和杰马尔是一对苦于不孕的年轻夫妻,经人介绍后杰马尔决定抱回一个小孩当做自己的亲生儿。面对生活中凭空出现的婴儿,爱瑟感到莫大的压力,两人因此发生争执,而后杰马尔竟不告而別,爱瑟顿时成了单亲妈妈,这对无血缘关系的母子该何去何从呢?
回复 :故事背景发生在中世纪晚期,锁定在16世纪的欧洲改革与言论自由受到箝制。由于印刷术的兴起,相当于我们现在兴起的社交媒体,人们思想开始大规模传递,导致政治、宗教、经济和社会变革的权力斗争。一场可怕的旅程将成为一场大胆争取自由的斗争。