回复 :父亲离世后,来到天桥摆摊卖手表的小康(李康生)同母亲一样,虽自觉与其并无多少情感,却无法摆脱其在精神上的无处不在。因为一块可以显示出巴黎与台北时差的手表,小康结识要去巴黎的湘琪(陈湘琪 饰),自此,精神抑压的他以为同巴黎(湘琪 饰)取得了某种形式的关联,获得某种虚空的安慰。当小康通过把时钟调快7小时、观看电影《四百击》等形式来表达他对湘琪暧昧的思念时,远在巴黎的湘琪也并没能从生活中找到多少积极的意义。无论同性(叶童)还是异性,她均无法从他们身上得到想要的温暖。
回复 :Bronco Billy McCoy is the proud owner of a small traveling Wild West show. But the business isn't doing too well: for the past six months he hasn't paid his employees. At a gas station he picks up Antoinette, a stuck-up blonde from a rich family, who was left behind without a penny by her husband on their wedding night. Billy likes her looks and hires her as his assistant. She seems to bring them bad luck and the business gets even worse. In these hard times she loses her reluctance and starts to like her new way of life... and Bronco Billy. Written by Tom Zoerner
回复 :陈天贵(谷峰 饰)原为无恶不作的市井地痞,纠结一帮打手开始开设赌场、走私毒品,成为鱼肉百姓之恶霸。民国八年,年轻有为的省派侦缉队长方达(李修贤 饰)视陈为眼中钉,方遂通过监狱长(罗烈 饰),召集两位得力干将朱九手(郑康业 饰)与金刚(樊梅生 饰)共同策划对付陈之计划,方化身为上海阔少,成功打入黑恶势力部……