岛国As the team tries to decipher Lotor's plan for the comet, Coran gives the Paladins a history lesson about the origins of Voltron and the ongoing war.
岛国As the team tries to decipher Lotor's plan for the comet, Coran gives the Paladins a history lesson about the origins of Voltron and the ongoing war.
回复 :总有一天不论如何都要一起制作动画——上山高中动画同好会的5人向葫芦屋的甜甜圈如此起誓。她们毕业以后,分别在各自的岗位从事动画制作,并通过《第三飞行少女队》而接近了自己的梦想。4年后——。在动画的世界找到了自己的容身之所、逐渐成长起来的5人,开始面对新的苦恼和试炼。
回复 :The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show is an American animated television program produced by Filmation for MGM Television in 1980, on CBS for Saturday mornings. The show lasted two seasons (with season two consisting of reruns) and the individual episodes were eventually added to syndicated Tom and Jerry packages.
回复 :《我收下了》:超级自信的保坂(小野大辅 配音)一心做出令南春香(佐藤利奈 配音)开心的料理,谁知却影响小千秋(茅原实里 配音)吃下了胡萝卜;《说不定》:四个女孩坐在一起聊天,看似天真无邪的吉野(丰崎爱生 配音)被夏奈(井上麻里奈 配音)添油加醋形容成腹黑女王,吓坏了真子(小野凉子 配音);《干劲》:又是一年情人节,夏奈请来貌似极具经验的真希(高木礼子 配音)为内田(喜多村英梨 配音)、冬马(水树奈奈 配音)、千秋等人授课,谁知却令大家接连扑到;《力所能及的事》:笨拙的藤冈(柿原彻也 配音)无论如何都想从夏奈那里得到巧克力,可是却接连闹出许多笑话,情人节即将到来,他能否如愿以偿?