回复 :At the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, the nun Maria is forced to flee her convent. She takes refuge in a brothel, until it is liberated by a woman's anarchist group. Maria joins the group and eventually goes to the front. The women's group faces the problems of fighting not only the nationalists, but also factions on the left seeking to impose a more traditional military structure.
回复 :2006年初冬,刚出狱的邢东被人乱刀捅死在江北县渡口。负责侦破此案的刑警吴向勇早年丧妻,工作狂的他性格强硬,与行将高考的儿子吴兵兵关系冷漠……凭借办案直觉,吴向勇同见习刑警李明雷层层追凶,终在七码头将嫌疑人船老大及其养子大黄逮捕。就在此时,江北县却再生暴力凶杀案,吴向勇近乎无奈崩溃,彻底跌入谷底。时间一晃十年过后,当残酷的真相浮出水面,吴向勇意识到流逝的不止青春。
回复 :一部讲述少年拼搏故事的电影,几个少年经历成长岁月关键的时期,在其中奋发图强,与命运拼搏。在经历很多的苦难以及迷茫之后,各自实现了自我价值,并且对于生活以及这段岁月有了深刻的领悟。