回复 :This is an unusual film of exceptional values--75 minutes long in color, with hardly any spoken dialogs. I saw this Iranian film in Farsi without English subtitles at the Early Iranian cinema retrospective on-going International Film Festival of Kerala, India. That I was watching a print without subtitles did not make a difference as there were very few lines of spoken dialogs.This is a very accessible film for any audience to enjoy--its story and values are not merely Iranian, it's universal.The film is set in rural Iran that had not tasted petro-dollar prosperity. The setting is on fringes of desert land, where water is scarce, rainfall scanty and hardly any blade of grass is green. Add to it wind and dust that buffets and whips man and animal and you can imagine plight of the people who live on the fringes of society.The film is moving tale of a young teenager returning to his village with a goat--only to find his family and villagers have moved on to escape natures vagaries and that one old man remains. He gives the goat to him and goes in search of his family. Water is scarce and well water it treated with reverence and never wasted.
回复 :野心勃勃的律师库伦(比尔普曼)即将成为联邦法官,却不智地在得到奉派之前喝酒误事,强迫新来的秘书苏菲(嘉柏莉安沃)与他在办公室内发生性关ddd。另一方面,有前科记录的青年纳森(戴文沙瓦)决定进城见见他素为谋面的生父--库伦;在纳森尚未来得及对库伦表明身份前,这对父子见了面,不知纳森身世的库伦竟向儿子提议,欲雇用纳森去杀向他勒索的苏菲;纳森拿著装满钞票与一张照片的信封后离去,向朋友提起此事后便将信封丢弃。不料,朋友之中有一位亟需现金周转,因而将信封捡了回来,决定「拿人钱财与人消灾」,杀了照片中的女人;纳森能及时阻止友人犯下大错吗?
回复 :韩战初结束时期,某个美军驻韩基地附近的村镇里,多数居民的生活被战后的虚无、迷茫和绝望笼罩,出路难寻。皮肤黝黑的尚武(杨东根)因是母亲(方银珍)在战争期间与美国黑人士兵所生,自小受尽歧视,养成暴戾的性格,无处发泄时就会对母亲拳打脚踢;其母亲不甘接受命运的摆布,屡屡写信去美国,期望她的黑人丈夫能把她们母子接到美国,但每每只收回“收件人不详”的退信;而他靠画画谋生的好友恩吴(金英民),因体质纤弱,经常被混混欺负,心爱的女孩被人凌辱、委身美国大兵时,他也只能眼睁睁看着暗自抓狂。