年最Emma's father and her high school frenemy start dating so she embarks on a mission to break up the happy couple.
年最Emma's father and her high school frenemy start dating so she embarks on a mission to break up the happy couple.
回复 :一个醉心枪械的年轻人欲投考警察,因有眼疾未被录取,造成心理不平衡而四处杀人。警方成立特别组缉捕他,一个初出茅庐的警察与凶手狭路相逢......
回复 :陈庆嘉03年执导、古天乐和陈奕迅主演的三级片《豪情》叫好叫座,相隔10年,终于开拍续集《3D豪情》,只是主角换上杜汶泽、何超仪及一班日本AV女优。阿泽和何超仪联同拍摄队伍赴东京取景,昨日本报记者直击拍摄现场,见波涛汹涌,扮演AV男优的杜汶泽更大战现年26岁、因拥有42L上围而被封为「人类最强Body」的AV女优冲田杏梨,宇宙大战一触即发!
回复 :A young woman enlists in an underground game of pain endurance in the hope of winning the million dollar prize. She soon learns the real opponent is the man who's running the game, as he employs horrific methods to manipulate and defeat her.