午夜Two smugglers meet two customs officers at sea, and happen to kill them. The story continues fifteen years later when a son of one of the officers and a smuggler's daughter fall in love with each other.
午夜Two smugglers meet two customs officers at sea, and happen to kill them. The story continues fifteen years later when a son of one of the officers and a smuggler's daughter fall in love with each other.
回复 :黄泉八百里沙海,寂寞荒凉,无花无叶。少女三七作为这黄泉中的最后一任孟婆,被冥王阿茶指婚给鬼差赵吏。三七性格憨傻,样貌枯槁,情窦未开,遭到了赵吏的拒绝。她日日独守在空旷的土堡内,熬着苦涩的孟婆汤,只与一株将死未死的曼珠沙华相伴。直到那一日,一个名叫长生的少年,误打误撞闯进了孟婆庄……
回复 :In the Bezonians social club in North London, A group of down and outs scheme, plot and dream of becoming rich and breaking out of the monotony of their dreary and financially impotent lives.
回复 :女友智恩意外怀孕,未来丈母娘100平米北京房的要求离首付还很远很远,自己和妈妈又是坚持不能打胎的“信仰家族”,面对三方压力,准丈母娘的决绝,只有破釜沉舟,搞定房子首付才是最可行的思路。在聪明死党陈东东的帮助下,郝西阳决定,与一位和自己同姓、同命、同情况的网友一起,合买一套房,用来对付两个丈母娘,两个北漂青年商量好,都谎称房产证上的那个同姓人是自己的爸爸。 两对夫妻一套房,这个看上去荒谬的方法很凑效,但也带来不少麻烦,面对四方父母的查房狼狈、不同喜好带来的矛盾,害怕泄密的尴尬,让人感觉到心累…… 买房合伙人郝迪买完房不肯与倩倩结婚,一个男人与两个女人同在一个屋檐下……各种误会和矛盾接踵而来……