回复 : 在暑期为观众带来属于夏日星光下的动听歌声,汇集大众喜爱的星光歌手及特别来宾,每周奉上一场精彩的歌会,拥抱户外,在全国范围内选取不同场景,以田园、山水、古镇、草原等景致为主题和背景,带来“田园之歌”“雅集之歌”“草原牧歌”等不同主题的视听体验,与观众度过一个又一个美好的夜晚。
回复 : 德云社纲丝节之郭德纲作品专场第一场爆笑来袭。本场节目包括郭德纲、于谦表演的《科学与迷信》;高峰、栾云平表演的《我要旅游》;孟鹤堂、周九良表演的《你是我的玫瑰》;烧饼、曹鹤阳表演的《富贵逼人来》;张鹤伦、郎鹤炎表演的《学小曲》;张九龄、王九龙表演的《四方诗》;陶阳表演的太平歌词《挡谅》;张九南、高九成表演的《夜行记》。精彩敬请期待。
回复 :“The Silence before Bach” is an approach to music and the trades and subjects that surround it through Bach’s works.A look at the profound dramaturgic relationship between image and music where the latter is not merely conceived as subsidiary to the image but as a subject of the narration in its own right.The film springs from a previously defined musical structure. The soundtrack feeds on works by J.S Bach and two of Felix Mendelssohn’s sonatas to create an architectural vault beneath which the story of the film unfolds ; a promenade through the XVIIIth, XIXth and XXIth centuries led by the hand of J.S. Bach.