回复 :A busy Nanny School in Indramayu (West Java) is preparing hundreds of women each year for life as domestic workers abroad. Help is on the way? explores the various characters that undertake the required training and development, following them from the village to the school, into Jakarta and eventually working abroad in Taiwan. We also explore the role of the agents, teachers and personnel at the school. It is at times an emotional journey but also funny, enlightening and a little competitive, offering a unique insight into a lifestyle not often seen on screen.
回复 :一個十七歲廢柴少年意外邂逅一個神祕的清潔員正妹,性格背景完全不一樣的兩個人,展開一場在垃圾堆中發生的奇妙冒險,並互相改變了對方。
回复 :6月6日凌晨6点,美国外交官罗伯特•舍恩(Liev Schreiber 饰)刚出生的儿子不幸夭亡,在斯派尔多神父(Giovanni Lombardo Radice 饰)的建议之下,他收养了一个出生不久母亲便过世的婴儿,并为其取名戴明。戴明(Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick 饰)在罗伯特的家中健康成长,从未生病。与之相对,各种怪事也不断在周围发生。罗伯特的妻子卡瑟琳(Julia Stiles 饰)再次怀孕,她发现戴明竟然对尚在腹中的婴儿心存恶意。在布莱南神父的指点下,罗伯特得知戴明竟然是恶魔之子,他必将不断壮大,为害人间……本片为1976年同名作品的翻拍版。