回复 :加菲猫从小到大的生活都沉浸在――高热量的食物,睡觉,捉弄愚蠢的狗狗和主人乔恩•阿卜(布瑞金•梅耶 Breckin Meyer 饰)的宠爱中,加菲觉得这就是完美的生活。直到有一天,乔恩带加菲去宠物医院时,受美女兽医所托领养了小狗欧弟,加菲的生活彻底改变。欧弟的到来意味着要和加菲分享食物和阿卜的宠爱,更让加菲嫉妒的是阿卜和美女兽医约会竟然带欧弟而不带它。加菲恨不得将欧弟赶出家门。一晚,加菲将欧弟关在门外,原只想惩罚一下欧弟,没想到欧弟走失了。阿卜四出寻找欧弟未果。加菲通过调查,得知欧弟被残忍的训狗师捉走了。加菲决定大展身手,只身前往救出欧弟。
回复 :At the U.S. Secret Operations Center a small group of doctors led by Kim Delaney are experimenting with a metallic skin on a frozen cadaver. This particular body is that of a secret agent that succumbed twenty years earlier to self injection of a blood sample from a...werewolf. Barry Bostwick plays the evil Colonel harboring the blueprints for this gruesome experiment. Thus the Government has given life to a wolf-like creature with metal skin. The only reason I watched this is Kim Delaney. I'd watch her do a puppet show! Also in the cast are: Brian Brophy, Carole Davis, Tim Duquette and Kane Hodder as the MetalBeast. Pretty bad movie except for the last twenty minutes or so.
回复 :巨石强森饰演的灵长类动物学家一直与人类保持距离, 却跟极为聪明的银背大猩猩乔治有着深厚的感情。但是一次基因实验出错, 让这只温驯的大猩猩变成狂怒难驯的庞然巨兽。更可怕的是, 其他动物也发生了同样基因异变。他必须阻止这场全球性的灾难, 更重要是要拯救他的好友乔治。