本系列的最后一季,摘星围绕着最后五人的最后一个成员的揭秘,摘星围绕 Ka ra Thrace 回归的神秘面纱,继续寻找可能终将被舰队发现的地球,以及邪教领袖、被厌恶的、不受欢迎的(但被赦免的) 、被诟病的前总统 Gaius Baltar。
本系列的最后一季,摘星围绕着最后五人的最后一个成员的揭秘,摘星围绕 Ka ra Thrace 回归的神秘面纱,继续寻找可能终将被舰队发现的地球,以及邪教领袖、被厌恶的、不受欢迎的(但被赦免的) 、被诟病的前总统 Gaius Baltar。
回复 :乌托邦实验是一本神秘的传奇绘图小说,但是一群之前从无任何联系的人却发现自己拥有了这本小说的原稿,于是他们的生活突然因此一团乱。他们不断遭受神秘杀手组织 The Network 的追杀,于是这群受惊的人群如果想要存活,只有唯一一条路:那就是逃亡。
回复 :Dean被该隐之印所控变为恶魔,Sam和Cas试图将他带回来,Crowley却试图拉拢他…… 本季故事由此展开
回复 :BBC2017开年巨作——纪录片《荒野间谍(Spy in the Wild)》。该片由BBC金牌纪录片大师John Downer和其团队出品,是『动物卧底』系列的又一次里程碑式力作。"Spy in the Wild" uses 34 realistic animatronic creatures, equipped with UHD cameras to observe wildlife activity from closer than ever before.The amount of work and time that went into this project is quite remarkable. The cameras were built specifically for this project by film maker John Downer and his team at John Downer Productions. The raw stats behind the production of Spy in the Wild are enough to make your eyes water. The crew covered 330,000 miles travelling to 31 locations in 21 countries, stretching from the Arctic to the Antarctic and all places in between. Spy in the Wild took three years to shoot, over 800 filming days. The crew captured more than 8000 hours of material, and every hour-long programme is distilled from 1250 hours of footage.