回复 :The subject of Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub’s Der Tod des Empedokles (The Death of Empedocles, 1987) is the Greek pre-Socratic philosopher Empedocles (c. 490 BC – 430 BC), who lived in the Greek colony of Agrigentum in Sicily. His theories are mentioned in several of Plato’s dialogues. He maintained that all matter is made up of four irreducible elements: water, earth, air and fire. A mystic and a poet, he is considered to be the founder of classical rhetoric. He is also thought to be the last Greek philosopher to write in verse; two fragments of his works survive: Katharmoi (Purifications) and Peri Phuseôs (On Nature). An advocate of democracy, he came into conflict with his fellow citizens of Agrigentum and, as result, was banished with his young disciple, Pausanius. When he was asked to return, he preferred to commit suicide by throwing himself into the active volcano at Mount Aetna.The German writer Friedrich Hölderlin wrote two versions of Der Tod des Empedokles in 1798 and 1800, and a final third version in 1820, all three ultimately unfinished. They were conceived as five-act tragedies and all three differ in plot. According to Michael Hamburger, Hölderlin’s English-language translator,the main reason why Hölderlin finished no version of the play must be that he remained too closely identified with Empedocles, at the very period in his life when his own view of the poet as philosopher, prophet and priest – and as tragic hero – was subject to perpetual crisis and re-examination.Huillet-Straub’s The Death of Empedocles is based on Hölderlin’s first version (the longest of the three), whereas Black Sin is based on the third version.
回复 :影片以消防题材为背景,讲述了消防战士吕志明在执行任务时壮烈牺牲,他的妻子许淑祥(奚美娟饰)一人含辛茹苦的养大了四个孩子,二儿子吕建国(田牧宸饰)长大后瞒着母亲继承父业也成为了消防战士后的种种故事...影片荡气回肠的展示了父子两代救火英雄前仆后继、至死不渝为保护人民群众生命财产安全而先后献的故事。并从不同的视角演绎着广大消防战士不惧危险、舍身忘死的精神风貌,还有那不为人知的内心世界以及家庭生活。
回复 :影片以四十年代至七十年代毛泽东壮年至晚年的大量生活细节和情感生活片段为线索,描述了他从陕北东渡黄河解放全中国到重返韶山故里情;从痛失儿子毛岸英至大阅兵等各个情节里的言谈举止,吃饭穿衣,生活中的幽默和睿智,农民式的随便和质朴,以及他与卫士、士兵、农民、亲人、列车员等许多普通人的故事,展现给了观众们一个充满魅力的毛泽东;一个有着普通人喜怒哀乐、儿女情长的毛泽东;一个可亲可近和广大劳动人民有着血肉亲情的毛泽东……此片回忆了毛泽东从抗战时期到“文化大革命”各时期的事迹。毛泽东,对历史进程产生深远影响的人,但他也有着自己的情感世界。《毛泽东的故事》这部影片就是为我们展示了毛泽东的情感世界。影片编导执意要站在人性人情的方位去塑造毛泽东这个领袖人物,去“表现领袖伟大的情感”。但由于影片导演韩三平水平较低、素质较差,所以本片非常一般。