苏姗When the mother of his infant son unexpectedly passes away, struggling actor Mark grapples with fatherhood and his inability to grow up. And when he sparks with a single mother, he learns how his choices have real-life consequences.
苏姗When the mother of his infant son unexpectedly passes away, struggling actor Mark grapples with fatherhood and his inability to grow up. And when he sparks with a single mother, he learns how his choices have real-life consequences.
回复 :纪康(孙浩俊 饰)因父亲早逝,母亲含辛茹苦地将他养大,让他立誓要让母亲过上好日子,但不学无术的他,整天打架闹事,甚至捲入偷窃案件,让母亲顺玉(金海淑 饰)既无奈又心疼。而岛上的村民却对替同侪扛罪的纪康,讚誉的说道:「这麽有义气的小孩,长大一定会成大器。」但这句“会成大器"却毁了纪康的一生。在因缘际会下,纪康来到首尔闯荡,离开前留下:「妈,您等著!我会成功的。」一心急著成功的纪康,却走捷径踏上偏差的路…逞“匹夫之勇"让他沦为阶下囚,最让他母亲心痛的是他被判了死刑。纪康因渺无希望而惶恐不安,更甚者是他因此自暴自弃一心寻死。当他深感绝望之际,一封目不识丁的母亲写来的亲笔信,唤醒了他对生命的一丝希望。
回复 :Alice and Niklas are happy, they lack nothing - but a child. After several failed invitros, they go on a holiday to Sardinia to leave their wish for a child behind. Right there, however, everything they tried to repress resurfaces. A cheerful Tyrolean family moves directly into the neighboring house and seems to have everything that Alice and Niklas lack in life. An unforeseen incident changes their view on life, in which the most natural thing in the world does not avail.
回复 :影片讲述了精神病人奋发自强寻找个人价值的动人故事。一个米兰商人丢掉工作后来到来到一家精神病医院工作,在那里他组织精神病人们成立一个合作社并坚定地相信他们都有自尊和自身的价值。尽管遇到了各种各样的困难,他依然鼓励每个人不断学习并能自己养活自己,找到适合自己的角色。整部片子糅合喜剧与悲剧的元素,感人至深。