回复 :公元337年的东晋时期,门第风气极盛,三品官家祝氏为了巩固朝中地位攀附权贵,将独生女儿祝英台(杨采妮)许配马氏太守,因为担心无心向学的女儿失礼于人,遂叫她女扮男装来到书院好好进补,因书院均是男儿,祝氏夫人(吴家丽)拜托院长夫人对爱女特别关照。在书院,祝英台结识出身贫寒但苦心向学的梁山伯,因情义相投,两人相交甚笃,日日相对中,祝英台的女儿身被梁山伯识破,两人相爱。自此梁山伯更加发奋读书,期望取得功名后将祝英台迎娶进门,然而门第的隔膜终难消除。
回复 :At the time of the Polish social regime, a security officer is promoted to work at a prison yard. Introducing concurrently with the narrator; he speaks of himself, his thoughts, his point of view. He tells that he is not afraid of bandits or gangs; on the contrary he gets a kick out armed conflicts. To get a start in his new duty, he shops for a watchdog; and he buys an untrained attack dog as his companion. Then he speaks of the adjudications that the death sentence for fugitives is lacking influence. From his point of view, the judicatory tribunal must execute the fugitives in public. In the morning the next day he wears his uniform and start working with pride.Whilst he is on his duty, a very harmonic music score begins to be played on the piano. The watchman spectates the peaceful life on the street. At that time we catch on that socialism is not a governmental regime; yet it's an uneducated behavior.As a final scene the watchman witnesses of a cadet school's pupils being taught of the democracy. He leaves us with a confused smile.A soft and likable thesis from the Polish director Kieslowski. You can find this short documentary as a special feature in his DVD of A Short Film About Killing. It could help you to compass his film language.
回复 :黄斌和陆发是一个抢港,台游客的退役军人,是一家强盗集团的成员,在一次分赃不均的内讧后,二人潜逃香港。在港偷了黑狼的部分军火,二人几经辛苦才找到了一个买家大圈。没想到大圈知道货的来源后,在交易时黑吃黑,但并没得逞。在混乱中反被陆发把钱抢走。其后黑狼得悉,威胁截斌等人交出军火,否则他会向戴女友美枝下毒手,戴唯有答应。在黑狼手下的伏击下,连场大火拼亦随之展开,究竟戴斌能否救回美枝呢?