回复 :讲述杜撰伪造新闻报道收视率为主题的电影《Trick》已经完成主要演员选角。李廷镇,姜艺媛,金泰勋三人确定出演,电影将于12月7日开始进行拍摄。电影《Trick》讲述的是,李廷镇饰演的新闻部石镇(音译)因报道一起不良食品的独家新闻而名声大噪成为明星PD,然而出人意料“独家新闻”变成“误传杜撰”。食品公司被判无罪,石镇(音译)却因此名声扫地。几年后,作为教养部PD复职的石镇向“空降兵”社长谏言,为了提高收视率,将还有六个月生命的都准(音译 金泰勋饰)和妻子英爱(姜艺媛饰)的病床日记,拍摄成记录片作为创社纪念。节目播出后,都准与英爱的故事引起全国民的关注,节目和电视台都收获了超高人气和极高收视率。然而,随着石镇病情的日渐严重,人也越发敏感,拍摄也越来越难向前推进。在面对节目下车的危机下,石镇决意拍摄都准临终场面来提高收视率。故事又将走入何种方向?姜艺媛在《Trick》饰演相伴丈夫走完人生最后一段路的“英爱”一角。金泰勋将出演生命只有六个月走向尽头的“都准”一角。
回复 :一个住在巴黎的年轻人阿明,沉迷于电影的他放弃了学医之后,回到法国南部的家乡度假。他出生于一个阿拉伯裔家庭,家里经营着一个突尼斯风味餐厅。他和表哥托尼整天在自家餐厅、附近的酒吧、小镇边缘的海滩游荡,享受着美好的夏日。他们结识了来自尼斯的两个女孩儿Charlotte和ysgou.cc Celine。本地和外地的女孩们纷纷对表兄弟俩抛去橄榄枝,托尼流连花丛,可是阿明心里一直深深爱着即将结婚的多年好友欧菲莉。欧菲莉的未婚夫远在巴黎的机场工作,两人的关系不咸不淡。但是一回家,阿明就撞破了欧菲莉和表哥托尼偷情。
回复 :For her ‘Blond Ambition’ tour in 1990, pop superstar Madonna was looking for performers who knew how to vogue. Out of countless hopefuls, the gay dancers Salim, Kevin, Carlton, José, Luis and Gabriel were chosen along with huphopper Oliver, the only straight guy. The tour was accompanied by a film crew and Madonna cast herself in the role of mother figure of her stage family. The boys soon found fans among homosexual youths who saw them as role models, while the tour came to epitomise Madonna’s commitment to gay liberation and the acknowledgement of AIDS. But the idyll fell apart after the tour. Although the dancers were pivotal to Madonna’s message, they weren't all living it. After failing to persuade Madonna to cut out the kissing scene that would ‘out’ him to his family and friends, Gabriel filed a lawsuit against her. In he Gabriel died of AIDS-related illness, while the others continued to pursue their professional careers. Now, twenty-five years later, the six surviving performers are reunited and long-buried secrets are aired. The filmmakers excel at telling the stories of these very different dancers in order to edge closer to the truth. berlinale 2016