回复 :It's a wonderful spoof documentary following a team on its quest for the oil gobbler, an animal that has evolved to be the perfect denizen of a polluted world. Loathed by the locals for its voracious habit of eating anything plastic, from wellington boots to the protective sleeves farmers put round their saplings to prevent them being eaten by other animals, the ropaci is an elusive specimen and has the team - and thus the audience - intrigued. Finally, they catch it on film - and then manage to capture a young one that they want to take back home with them. The perils of their journey from the pollution-ridden Bohemian basin back through the clean, fresh air of the forest prove too much for the little creature and they come up with an ingenious way of saving it.
回复 :经过与一十一(神木隆之介 饰)的恶战,濑文焚流(加濑亮 饰)身受重伤,命几不保。在此期间,青池里子(栗山千明 饰)随女儿小润(森山树 饰)悄然离开医院;而各国政要的一次关于简单计划的秘密会议上,自称卑弥呼的日本代表抹杀所有人,他代表SPEC持有者正式向普通人类宣战。世态险恶的当下,濑文急急出院,和当麻纱绫(户田惠梨香 饰)一同调查青池母女的行踪。而野野村组长(龙雷太 饰)则独自行动,查找简单计划病毒疫苗的下落。新的SPEC持有者交替登场,残酷的杀戮却从未停止。关于前人类的秘密昭然若揭,惨烈浩大的人种战争即将拉开序幕……本片为SPEC系列完结篇的前篇。
回复 :罗博(徐天佑 饰)和水泼(萧宇桦 饰)是同班同学,两人之间的感情十分要好。和他们常常在一起玩的朋友们之中有一个叫沙示(袁卓威 饰)的男生,身边女孩众多,菲欧(罗慧英 饰)就是其中的一个。一天,菲欧和男友在街头吵架,就此结识了单纯善良的姑娘小白(陈自瑶 饰),很快,菲欧便和小白成为了无话不谈的好友,并且将小白介绍给了罗博和水泼认识。让水泼感到震惊的是,这并不是他第一次见到小白,曾经在运动场上,水泼和小白有过一面之缘,水泼就此坠入情网。如今,和心目中的女神重逢,水泼内心十分激动。他希望罗博能够帮助自己追求小白,然而罗博却也喜欢上了这个天真的女孩。