回复 :A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.• Season 10Episode # Air Date# Guests10-01 07/Jan/02 Mari Wilson, Boy George, Blade, Tommy Vance10-02 14/Jan/02 Boothby Graffoe, DJ Spoony, Cathy Dennis, Craig Cash10-03 21/Jan/02 Adam Buxton, Midge Ure, Suzi Quatro, Claudia Winkleman10-04 28/Jan/02 Beverley Turner, Lesley Garrett, Leee John, Ben Norris10-05 04/Feb/02 Kerry McFadden, Ashley Taylor Dawson, Pete Burns, Christian O'Connell10-06 11/Feb/02 Nemone, Alexander O'Neal, Ian Watkins, Mark Owen10-07 18/Feb/02 Ben Miller, Lisa Scott Lee, Kate Thornton, Tony Wilson10-08 25/Feb/02 Dave Johns, Christian Ingebrigtsen, Paul Young, June Sarpong10-09 04/Mar/02 Shaun Williamson, Coleen Nolan, Bruce Dickinson, Ian Stone10-10 20/May/02 Eurovision Special
回复 :M-Net和Fremantle联手打造8集南非罪案剧集《瑞卡 Reyka》,2021年7月于南非M-Net播出,Fremantle负责全球发行。《闪电侠》的Kim Engelbrecht饰演,Reyka Gama,一位心理有缺陷但才华横溢的犯罪侧写师。备受过去困扰的她,正在调查夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省甘蔗地里一名连环杀手犯下的数起残忍谋杀案。《权力的游戏》Iain Glen饰演充满魅力的农场主Speelman,很会摆布他人。Reyka在小时候被他绑架过。Reyka因为这段经历内心遭受创伤,但也让她变得擅长进入罪犯大脑,对他们的想法了如指掌。Peelman对Reyka的影响,以及Reyka和母亲Elsa的关系,构成了故事背景的一部分。
回复 :《甜蜜的心跳》是一部讲述因被迫受到伤害而不在相信爱情的人和渴望家庭之爱的人,以及遇到另外的家人后过上幸福生活的人们掉入命中注定的爱情中。