湘泽Agathe von Trapp, the eldest daughter of a well-known musical family, overcomes many obstacles to peruse her musical career and move to the United States.
湘泽Agathe von Trapp, the eldest daughter of a well-known musical family, overcomes many obstacles to peruse her musical career and move to the United States.
回复 :没有通往和平的道路;和平就是道路。由演员彼得·考约特(Peter Coyote)旁白的《一朵云永不会死去》(A Cloud Never Dies)是首部授权拍摄的关於老师一行禅师生平的传记电影。这部影片将原始视频和摄影档案交织在一起,讲述了一名谦逊的年轻越南僧人如何成为世界上最具影响力和深受爱戴的精神领袖之一,激励着千百万人修习正念,以找到自身和平与世界和平。这部电影由梅村入世佛教社群委托制作,由一行禅师的僧侣历史学家们丶社群成员连同纪录片《正念的奇迹》的制作人马克斯·皮尤(Max Pugh)和马克·弗朗西斯(Marc J. Francis)共同制作。
回复 :奇利·帕尔默(约翰·特拉沃尔塔 John Travolta 饰)曾经是混迹黑道的嚣张人物,不过黑道混久了,或许是因为厌倦,很多人开始洗白自己,找份体面的工作,得到社会的认可。奇利也不例外,从黑道退役后,他摇身变作好莱坞电影制片人,纯熟的社交手段使他的事业蒸蒸日上,名气大增,尝到甜头的奇利开始进军乐坛。他找来一位开唱片公司的朋友,不料朋友却意外死亡,奇利只好寄望于这位朋友的妻子艾迪(乌玛·瑟曼 Uma Thurman 饰),艾迪也是个狠角色,两人磨合良久才达成共识,决意捧红一名有着优异音乐天赋的黑人女孩琳达,然而事情却并非想象中顺利,琳达的经纪人为了留住琳达,使尽刁钻权术,而更令人意想不到的是,琳达竟然同时在被俄罗斯的黑手党秘密追杀。面对混乱的局面,已金盆洗手的奇利是否要重操旧业,摆平一切呢?本片为1995年经典喜剧片《黑道之家》续集,改编自畅销作家艾尔蒙·里欧纳德(Elmore Leonard)的同名小说。
回复 :October 24, 1944, the world's greatest battle at sea begins in the Philippines. Japan's navy gambles on a decisive victory against the United States to turn the tide of World War II. Instead Musashi, its top secret super battleship, ends up at the bottom of the ocean. How did this unsinkable giant go down so fast? Was it overwhelming American air power? Or a fatal design flaw? Now American deep sea explorers and Japanese military experts are determined to solve this 70-year old mystery. But first they must find the missing Musashi.