回复 :With Lidsay and Bobby's help, Jimmy defends his personal friend, dentist Henry Olson, when he is tried for murdering a woman who was fount dead in his chair. Hostile ADA Richard Bay tries to prove the two were having an affair, when in fact their relationship was a lot more complicated than he could possibly imagine. Meanwhile, decapitator George Vogleman returns, asking for Ellenor's help when his co-op serves him with a eviction notice.
回复 :放荡。欺骗。滥用。上瘾。腐败。经过五代人的传承,汉默家族的男人拥有的秘密和丑闻比任何保险库都要多。艾米·汉默被指控的罪行只是冰山一角。通过幸存者和家庭成员的大量档案和采访,哈默家族黑暗而扭曲的秘密被揭露出来。在金钱和权力的背后,是一个功能失调的王朝,其男性角色展示了特权失控的所有毁灭性后果。
回复 :CBS已续订《天生冤家》第三季。