转生Five students who had to carry out KKN in a remote village are warned not to cross the boundary of the forbidden gate that leading to the mysterious place that may related to the figure of a beautiful dancer who began to disturb them.
转生Five students who had to carry out KKN in a remote village are warned not to cross the boundary of the forbidden gate that leading to the mysterious place that may related to the figure of a beautiful dancer who began to disturb them.
回复 :Yaguchi與同黨成功打劫銀行,劫走一億伍仟萬元贓款。在他們興奮地逃亡的期間,開始籌算如何使用,但Yaguchi漸漸發現這筆贓款根本不能滿足他和同黨過著理想的生活。及後,負責送食物的Yumi無意中發現他們藏有大量現金。可惜,她欲逃離,卻被被Yaguchi生擒,並將她淫辱和施暴,更綁架她,強迫她一起逃走。兩天後,這班禽獸因強姦Yumi而逐一死去,究竟這女子有甚麼魔法,向侵犯她的禽獸逐一報仇?
回复 :A state-of the-art-concert-film featuring the extraordinary German band RAMMSTEIN. Directed by award winning director Jonas Åkerlund
回复 :美国南方某偏僻小镇,华莱斯殡仪馆的老板弗雷瑟(道格•布拉德利 Doug Bradley 饰)盗取并出售死者器官,再命其子邦特(道格拉斯•罗伯特 Douglas Roberts 饰)将尸体丢入林中沼泽。其罪行隐蔽谨慎,长久以来无人知晓。某晚,华莱斯一家的罪行被路过的年轻人撞破,他们残酷割掉年轻人的肾脏,却也使罪行大白天下。华莱斯一家被捕后,警方随即在林中展开搜查,发现大量被杀害和丢弃的尸体,美丽少妇茉莉(苔丝•潘泽 Tess Panzer 饰)的儿子亦在其中。由于没有直接证据给华莱斯一家定罪,悲愤交加的茉莉决定请求深居林中的女巫婆哈吉丝(Lynne Verrall 饰)帮助她复仇。哈吉丝答应了她的请求,并利用巫术复活了恐怖邪恶的南瓜头。一场血腥杀戮旋即展开……