回复 :金和阔气伦伦自修道院领养了一名女婴,取名为蒂莉亚。小女孩渐渐长大,但是,金和阔气伦却发现她不甚合群且行为怪异。一日,一名在学校里与她向来不和睦的男同学离奇死亡...这次的意外事件引起她对灵异学颇副词研究的褓姆一乔,对蒂莉亚的注意......
回复 :When F.B.I. Agent Zack Grant's partner is killed during a blown-up operation, he attempts to find the person responsible. Mafiaso Frank Serlano believes Zack is responsible for his only sons death in the same operation and kidnaps Zacks son to hold as bait. The action gets wild when airline stewardess Mary is taken hostage to add what seems an another insurmountable problem for Zack. There appears to be No Way Out.
回复 :一个神秘的美国团队在一名穆斯林警 察帮助下追查一名危险的国际珠宝窃贼,这名窃贼绑架了苏丹的女儿意图盗取皇室的宝藏。影片取景广泛,片中我们可以欣赏到古代的宫殿、清真寺、庙宇、地下迷宫和金字塔等异国风情,当然还有一个惊天阴谋正在酝酿。