回复 :Nero's reign. The invasion of Parthia has been a fiasco. Two Roman legions have been brought to a stand still in the snowy mountains of Armenia, and the men are dying slowly in the cold. The rest of the Roman army is in Syria, only two weeks march away but the mountains swarm with Parthian patrols. Noreno, a half-Roman, is entrusted the mission of crossing the mountains to ask for help. However, he might not be the best option, he's an expert runner, but he despises Rome.
回复 :When successful New York marketing executive Katherine discovers her workaholic ways are taking a toll on her eight-year-old son, Zac, she decides to spend Christmas with him and her mother, Lilly in her home town on the bayou. When Caleb tries to rekindle a childhood romance and convince her to move back home, Katherine is torn between the bright lights of the big city and the...
回复 :找到相爱的人,便可以不再孤单。来北京掘金的港女李佩如(舒淇 饰)在光棍节的晚上,邂逅身为警察的方镇东(刘烨 饰)。李佩如顶着巨大的生活压力,希望用青春为家人换来衣食无忧的生活,被妻子抛弃的方镇东带着有人际交往障碍的弟弟方镇聪(田亮 饰)一起生活。也许是寂寞气质的吸引,抑或是命中注定,两人彼此吸引,日渐亲近。佩如生意起步需要投资,加之镇聪要结婚,方镇东毫不犹豫的卖掉自己的祖屋,可是佩如却由于生意不顺忽然失踪。此时镇东查出患有脑血管性失忆症,而且很快丢掉了工作,镇东一家的生活霎时陷入了窘境。回到香港的佩如发现自己始终不能忘记镇东,于是返回北京,在几经波折后找到镇东,却发现镇东此时身患重症。这一次,佩如没有退缩,她选择与自己的爱人相互陪伴……