回复 :トップをねらえ!科学講座 4話(本編第1-4話までの各話の最後に収録のミニコーナー)新・トップをねらえ!科学講座 2話(LD-BOX『オカエリナサイBOX』に収録された映像特典、鶴巻和哉第1回監督作品)帰ってきたトップをねらえ!科学講座 2話(Blu-ray Boxに収録された映像特典)
回复 :这是一部鼓动人心且具有视觉震撼力的电影剧集,让观众沉浸在一个充满真人表演的生动成人动画世界中。《蓝眼武士》以江户时代的日本为背景,讲述了混血剑术大师阿水(由玛雅·厄斯金配音)的故事,为了复仇一直过着伪装的生活。
回复 :From spy dolphin to spy tuna and turtle, for the first time an underwater menagerie of spy creatures infiltrate the secret world of dolphins. Swimming alongside some of the most captivating and clever animals on the planet, these new spies are always on the move – catching the waves with surfing bottlenose dolphins and speeding with a megapod of spinner dolphins.From the team at John Downer Productions that brought you the unforgettable Penguins – Spy In The Huddle, this is one of the nation’s favourite animals seen as never before.John Downer says: “Unlike Penguin-cams, this time our spy creatures had to keep pace with fast-moving dolphins, often out in the deep ocean. The dolphins were very curious about their new neighbours and allowed them into their lives.”A new two-part series, narrated by David Tennant, the series producer is John Downer and the producer is Rob Pilley.