回复 :Beginning just after the bloody Sioux victory over General Custer at Little Big Horn, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee intertwines the perspectives of three characters: Charles Eastman (Beach), né Ohiyesa, a young, Dartmouth-educated, Sioux doctor held up as living proof of the alleged success of assimilation; Sitting Bull (Schellenberg), the proud Lakota chief who refuses to submit to U.S. government policies designed to strip his people of their identity, their dignity and their sacred land – the gold-laden Black Hills of the Dakotas; and Senator Henry Dawes (Quinn), who was one of the architects of the government policy on Indian affairs. While Eastman and patrician schoolteacher Elaine Goodale (Paquin) work to improve life for the Indians on the reservation, Senator Dawes lobbies President Grant (Thompson) for more humane treatment, opposing the bellicose stance of General William Tecumseh Sherman (Feore). Hope rises for the Indians in the form of the prophet Wovoka (Studi) and the Ghost Dance – a messianic movement that promises an end of their suffering under the white man. This hope is obliterated after the assassination of Sitting Bull and the massacre of hundreds of Indian men, women and children by the 7th Cavalry at Wounded Knee Creek on Dec. 29, 1890. Written by HBO Films
回复 :ccc四个狂爱卡丁车的孩子收到了神秘的邀请,要到古老的城堡中参赛,但条件是每个人之间不仅要相互信任,更要抛弃原有的骄傲、自我甚至争强好胜……
回复 :迈克尔是一位武术天才,他就职于判处社区服务的空手道学校。在比赛中,他遇到了十年前杀死他家人的对手。于是他决定让他付出代价。在比赛中,他一定要亲手打到这个杀亲仇人。 这部由美国著名导演艾伦杉于2014年制作的《利用》邀请了迈克尔.Biehn 马丁.Kove等明星参与,值得一看