福利A meeting in a London bus with jewel thief Lady Christina takes a turn for the worst for the Doctor when the bus takes a detour to a desert-like planet, where the deadly Swarm awaits.
福利A meeting in a London bus with jewel thief Lady Christina takes a turn for the worst for the Doctor when the bus takes a detour to a desert-like planet, where the deadly Swarm awaits.
回复 :While struggling on a solo backpacking trip in Thailand, social media influencer Madison meets CW, who travels with ease and shows her a more uninhibited way of living, but CW's interest in her takes a darker turn.
回复 :大学毕业20年同学聚会,忠厚老实的李自健碰上了春风得意的大款张峰,后者在大学曾抢走了李的初恋。聚会之后张峰与李自健同车离开,兴奋过头发生车祸。醉驾的张峰央求李自健替自己顶包并许诺50万作为酬谢。李自健准备与女友雯雯结婚,正为买房首付发愁,决定替张峰蹲一个月看守所。李自健出来后才发现表面风光的张峰负债累累,并且人间蒸发。被同学欺骗、被女友嘲讽,李自健把张峰的儿子丢丢“绑架”到自己家。原本就打算离家出走的丢丢把李自健和雯雯折腾得人仰马翻,进退两难。张峰也在不久后搬到了李自健的家中躲债,一段荒诞的同居生活就这么开始了。
回复 :美術組擔任助理的子淇,這天劇組外景拍攝不順,臨危受命趕回公司拿道具。沒想到,一出發就擦撞計程車,司機嚷嚷著報警、乘客急著接小孩,為了解決眼前窘境,只得開車載乘客一程。但一波未平另波又起,眼前認不出的乘客竟是多年未見、心有隔閡的姊姊。