A semi-retired special ops assassin and a DEA agent cross paths on separate missions to stop a cyber terrorist organization that has built a dangerous machine threatening to attack the power grid and bring catastrophe to the world.
A semi-retired special ops assassin and a DEA agent cross paths on separate missions to stop a cyber terrorist organization that has built a dangerous machine threatening to attack the power grid and bring catastrophe to the world.
回复 :影片讲述新晋导演贺龙兵回忆起那段同哭同笑同青春的高中岁月。贺龙兵与欧宝、宋思明三人是极好的高中同学,虽然家境相差悬殊,但并不妨碍他们的友谊,三人平时在班上调皮捣蛋,但也都只是小打小闹!直到后来贺龙兵偷车被小混混围堵,几人打群架又被宋思明当副局长爸爸看见,便立刻要求学校开除贺龙兵与欧宝,欧宝一人担下责任,被学校勒令退学混迹社会。宋思明妹妹因为告白贺龙兵被拒绝,间接导致堕落转学;而后又因为陈佳佳,宋思明与贺龙兵关系彻底破裂。 最后贺龙兵考上大学,在欧宝的帮助以及哥哥的鼓励之下,终于走上不同的人生轨迹。如今他重回故乡,埋藏十五年的心结终于解开,兄弟欧宝的去世却成为永远的伤痛!
回复 :迈克(杰西·艾森伯格 Jesse Eisenberg 饰)是一名彻彻底底的宅男,长这么大,他一步都不曾踏出过他生活的小镇之外。平日里,迈克在超市当收银员,闲暇时光中,他喜欢画漫画,然而麦克甚至自己所创造的角色和故事永远都不会有被大众知晓的那一天。菲比(克里斯汀·斯图尔特 Kristen Stewart 饰)是迈克的女友,迈克最大的心愿,就是能够克服内心的恐惧,带菲比去夏威夷度假。让迈克怎么也想不明白的是,如此平凡的自己的身边,为何会忽然出现一波又一波想要夺走自己性命的变种人特工。然而,当事态的恶化牵连到了整个小镇以及菲比的安全之时,隐藏在迈克体内的力量爆发,他摇身一变,成为了凶残无情的杀人机器。
回复 :Ray is in the boutique simulated abduction business. It's an understandably threadbare market, so he jumps at the chance when a mysterious call contracts him for a weekend kidnapping with a handsome payday at the end. But the job isn't all that it seems.