义薄Sam, receives a call from Emily a nearly blind woman who is running from her murderous ex in the woods. She must survive the ordeal with Sam being her eyes using video call.
义薄Sam, receives a call from Emily a nearly blind woman who is running from her murderous ex in the woods. She must survive the ordeal with Sam being her eyes using video call.
回复 :名不见经传的画家桐村忍(水川麻美 饰)与新搬入公寓的高村胜相恋成婚,过上了还算舒心的生活。某天,去超市购物的忍因涉嫌使用假钞被店员抓住,而且监控分明记录了她犯案的全过程。稍后不久,赶来的刑警加纳隆(泷藤贤一 饰)将忍带走,刑警表示相信忍的辩白,并将她带入一个神秘会场。那里由姓饭冢(丰原功补 饰)的人主持,另有大学生御手洗巧(千贺健永 饰)、家庭主妇门仓真由美(酒井若菜 饰)等不同身份的人。他们此前均饱受二重身的困扰,所谓二重身是和本人无论从容貌还是记忆均一模一样的虚幻之体,二重身会破坏本体的生活,夺走他们最重要的东西,甚至最终杀掉本体。忍和这些受害者该如何保护自己的人生?本片根据法条遥的同名原作改编。
回复 :During the Second World War, following an ambush carried out in a fort by German troops, Eugène, an Allied soldier, finds himself trapped underground. Now fighting for his survival, his destiny will play out alongside that of another survivor. Both will try to find the resources to extricate themselves from certain death. They are unaware that terrible battles await them outside.
回复 :故事改编自以撒辛格的短篇小说,描述犹太人女子杨朵在二十世纪初的东欧为了追求梦想而女扮男装求学的故事。在20世纪初,家住东欧的犹太女孩燕特尔非常好学,但当地的风俗禁止女孩上学,于是她只好女扮男装。在学校,有一个男生跟她很要好,但他俩的关系涉及到性取向错乱的议题。