秦奋(葛优 饰)和笑笑(舒淇 饰)终成眷属,滟照但蜜月还没有度完,滟照笑笑便跟着公益组织去全世界保护环境了,一走20年没回来过。2031年,老范(范伟 饰)研制出能乱真的人工智能人,为解秦奋的相思之苦,老范帮秦奋定制了一个智能人笑笑。在与智能人笑笑相处的过程中,秦奋产生了模糊的感情。与老友芒果(姚晨 饰)谈话后,秦奋也开始思考自己的深情是否值得。而就在此刻真笑笑回来了,两个笑笑的存在让秦奋左右为难,他该如何选择?而真假笑笑又该何去何从?
秦奋(葛优 饰)和笑笑(舒淇 饰)终成眷属,滟照但蜜月还没有度完,滟照笑笑便跟着公益组织去全世界保护环境了,一走20年没回来过。2031年,老范(范伟 饰)研制出能乱真的人工智能人,为解秦奋的相思之苦,老范帮秦奋定制了一个智能人笑笑。在与智能人笑笑相处的过程中,秦奋产生了模糊的感情。与老友芒果(姚晨 饰)谈话后,秦奋也开始思考自己的深情是否值得。而就在此刻真笑笑回来了,两个笑笑的存在让秦奋左右为难,他该如何选择?而真假笑笑又该何去何从?
回复 :「珊瑚礁的探险之旅」是由海洋探险家与水下摄影师Howard Hall和Michele Hall,通过在南太平洋海域10个月的艰辛拍摄制作完成的。记录片所展现的是世界上面积最大、最壮观,同时也是最危险的珊瑚礁群。他们的探险旅程从澳大利亚的大栅栏礁(Great Barrier Reef)开始,一直到斐济的帝王岛,以及神秘的Rangiroa环礁。两名摄影师与知名的海洋探险家Jean-Michel Cousteau以及研究深海礁科学家Richard Pyle,一齐将这一自然界的壮观景象,清晰有逻辑的介绍与呈现给观众。
回复 :贝特·米德勒与莉莉·汤姆琳饰演分别于纽约的上流社会和美国南方小镇生活的两对双胞胎,两人共分饰四角。贝蒂一边是精明能干的女强人,另一边是爱慕虚荣的乡下女郎;莉莉则一边是个性强悍的工厂领班,另一边是软心肠的千金小姐。最后她们终于见到了真正的双胞胎姐妹,会有什么趣事发生?
回复 :NOVA: Mysteries of Sleep Like virtually every other animal, humans need sleep to survive. But why? What do we gain from spending nearly a third of our lives in such a defenseless state? And what's at stake if we sleep poorly? The functions of sleep have long been something of a mystery. But now scientists are peering deep into the brain to see what happens while we snooze. One study reveals that well-timed bursts of pink noise can nudge a person's brain waves, extending periods of slow-wave, or deep, sleep. And toddlers learning new words show that taking even a short nap after learning something new can help the information stick. And when it comes to sleeping poorly, it may turn out that having interrupted sleep can be just as harmful as missing sleep altogether. As scientists come to understand the powerful role that sleep -- or lack of it -- plays in everything from memory to trauma to emotion regulation, one thing is clear: This biological function is as crucial as it is complex.