回复 :這是一部以法医为点、以尸体为线、以真相为面的日劇。并不强调死亡阴暗的一面,而是用心著墨于探索真相。日文的片名《きらきらひかる》,直译是「閃亮的光」,意指本劇主角新進法醫天野光。天野光(深津绘里)由于一次偶然的机会看到案发现场,对当时出现现场的法医杉裕里子(铃本京香)非常崇拜,因此放弃了上医学系的机会而学习法医。毕业了刚开始从事法医行业的她面对一件件案子,一具具尸体,尽力寻找着事实的真相。认识了自己崇拜的里子和同事荣子(小林聪美)、早稻田毕业的高级刑警纪子(松雪泰子),成为好友常在一起吃饭聊工作和生活。
回复 :A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.• Season 9Episode # Air Date# Guests9-01 10/Sep/01 Ben Volpeliere-Pierrot, Steve Strange, Matthew Meschery, Katy Hill9-02 17/Sep/01 MC Harvey, Paul Ross, Fay Tozer, Ian Astbury9-03 24/Sep/01 Ben Adams, Chris McCormack, Dara O'Briain, Claire Sweeney9-04 01/Oct/01 Toyah Wilcox, Steve Lamacq, Captain Sensible, Kermit9-05 08/Oct/01 Edith Bowman, Mark Steel, Kevin Simm, Terry Hall9-06 29/Oct/01 Jo Breezer, Alesha Dixon, Rich Hall, Richard McNamara9-07 15/Oct/01 Roger Sanchez, Brian Molko, Tony Mortimer, Jon Culshaw9-08 05/Nov/01 Phil Alexander, Kiki Dee, Richard Fairbrass, Mike Wilmot9-09 22/Oct/01 Jenni Falconer, Becky Hunter, Ricky Tomlinson, David Van Day9-10 12/Nov/01 (9th series compilation)9-11 30/Dec/01 Christmas Special
回复 :穷屌丝竞拍会耍阴谋,龙神轻松破解,小小伎俩,能耐我何! ?