天地Three sisters aged between seven and 15, who live alone as their mother vanishes for whole swathes of time, and when social services demand a family meeting, the eldest sister, Laura, plans to find a stand-in for their mother.
天地Three sisters aged between seven and 15, who live alone as their mother vanishes for whole swathes of time, and when social services demand a family meeting, the eldest sister, Laura, plans to find a stand-in for their mother.
回复 :入围华沙电影节前两部竞赛。Miriam is an actress who is also a sign language teacher, but she is not deaf herself. However, a downward spiral begins when she learns that she will indeed become fully deaf. Despite having deaf parents, deaf friends and a deaf girlfriend, she refuses to accept a world without sound. A remarkable film, also in terms of sound.
回复 :明朝万历年间,贵妃童娘娘为了把自己的儿子推上太子之位与东厂公公曹花若合谋,大肆诛杀秉真直谏的御史,一时间在京城内外掀起腥风血雨,不少知道真相的御史清官遭遇杀身之祸。给贵妃同娘娘和东厂公公曹花若充当杀手的,正是曹花若三个义子之一的马行空。 马行空的父亲曾是朝廷高官。父亲马长云在一场官场风波中无端丧身之后,年幼的马行空被东厂公公曹花若收养,跟随曹花若习武读书,练就一身非凡功夫,成为曹花若的杀人工具。马行空拿着义父与贵妃同娘娘共同拟就的一份诛杀名单,屡屡出手屡屡得手。一个个清官御史的人头落地,马行空开始为自己的魔鬼行径后怕反思。琴师灵儿是马行空陷入孤独困苦时结识的一个纯真哑女。和灵儿在一起时的本真感觉,使得马行空萌生退隐之意。马行空刚刚萌生退隐之意,义父曹花若就以马行空拒绝执行杀人任务,而派义子仇虎和冷战对马行空实施暗害。仇虎和冷战的伎俩落空,马行空从此与...
回复 :大唐洛阳不夜城下,有猫妖之灵,夜夜巡游,窃人皮囊,邀人共舞,与人共情。舞坊里,贵公子再遇少时梦中情人,他所迷醉的,是那熟悉的皮囊,还是皮囊下百年老猫那颗炽热的心?义庄里,黑猫断尾,求来昔日恩人的重生,她等到的,是一生所爱,还是欲望与背叛交织的漩涡?沟渠里,小鼠精爱上了小猫妖,他憧憬的,是奔向幸福的自毁,还是一曲改写命运的恋歌?一座城,三只猫,缱绻千情万欲……