亚洲In this engrossing survival thriller set during the Japanese invasion of Singapore in 1942, a stranded Australian airman and a Chinese resistance fighter band together to fight their way out of a forbidding jungle wilderness.
亚洲In this engrossing survival thriller set during the Japanese invasion of Singapore in 1942, a stranded Australian airman and a Chinese resistance fighter band together to fight their way out of a forbidding jungle wilderness.
回复 :2070年,传统能源因为核战争的爆发毁于一旦,世界变成一片废墟。此时,在莫斯科的地堡实验室内一种新能源应运而生。这种新能源是从人体内抽取能量供应给地球,以避免地壳运动引发灾难,代价则是每隔一段时间将会有一批年轻人被选中参加名为“死亡之舞”的比赛,淘汰者将付出生命,聚合自己的能量提供至地心。当又一场比赛开始之际,生活在城市底层的年轻人科斯特亚被带到了地堡的竞技场。他遇到了同为选手的安娜,并对她产生好感。而安娜的真实身份竟是地堡仪式祭司的女儿。为了保护女儿,祭司请求科斯特亚带走安娜。二人逃离之时,撞破新能源的真相,原来淘汰者的能量并未补充给地球,而是由地堡的委员们和获胜者吸取永保寿命。这对情侣能够幸存么,还是竞技场将“吞噬”他们的生命?一场大幕刚刚拉开。。。。。。
回复 :Loosely based on Kathryn Forbes' book -Mama's Bank Account-, this film actually contains richer detail and more intricate character- izations. In turn-of-the-century San Francisco, young Katrina Hansen chronicles episodes of life with her extended family, who combine traditional Norwegian values with modern American ways. So successful that it became a popular radio show, and then a TV sitcom, both with Barbara BelGeddes and Irene Dunne from the film.
回复 :失业不久的特拉维斯(阿德里安·布洛迪 Adrien Brody 饰)在报纸上看到一则招工启事,酬劳为两周14000美元。为此所吸引,特拉维斯欣然前往。原来这是某机构发起的实验,研究者宣称实验将在州立监狱进行,包括特拉维斯在内的26名参与者被分成狱警和囚 犯,狱警必须按照严格的规定来管理囚犯,不服从命令者将受到惩罚。原本只以为是一场有钱可拿的角色扮演游戏,但随着实验的进行,权力的意志渐渐得到体现,所有的人都似乎迷失在角色之中……本片根据2001年的德国影片《Das Experiment》改编,故事取材自马利奥·乔丹努(Mario Giordano)的小说《黑盒子》。