国产A on-the-lam punk rocker and a young woman obsessed with his band unexpectedly fall in love and go on an epic journey together through America's decaying Midwestern suburbs.
国产A on-the-lam punk rocker and a young woman obsessed with his band unexpectedly fall in love and go on an epic journey together through America's decaying Midwestern suburbs.
回复 :Alfonso, brutal agent of the Department of Protection of High Personalities, is forced to team up with young inexperienced recruit Walter, fascinated by the world of show biz. This improbable duo is in charge of the protection of Jal-Y, a young R'n'B star threatened by his ex, a criminal on the run.
回复 :中国青年范宗杰对武术有狂热的爱好,为了达到武术的更高境界,来到韩国找拳界老前辈申荣正比武。在一次抓小偷事件中,因故结识了女子跆拳道会馆的教练南宫,并与之结为好友。范找到申老前辈办的武馆,才得知申已退休,而武馆则改成袁氏武馆,碰巧遇上馆主挑战另一个馆主白木,袁被白木打败,范佩服白的身手,并拜师学艺。白见范是可造之才,收之为徒,学有成就,白带范找申切磋比武,但范所爱慕的女学员即申的女儿申明美。在比武中,范打伤申而自责不已,更想不到的是,明美是南宫的女学员,也是南宫爱慕之人。袁氏武馆使计让范与南宫因明美互相残杀,使白木孤掌难鸣而围攻,将其打残,范与南宫忍无可忍,与袁氏展开一场生死之战……
回复 :艾丽思厌烦平平淡淡的生活,认为没有刺激,没有冒险,乏味,从电影上公路常常会遇到非 常危险的事于是她约上情人约翰尼开始了一段冒险之旅,万万没想到这次冒险,付出的代价,让她一辈子后悔也无济于事……